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September 16, 2012
Suggester Said- Tsulavaquake by *Slippery-Jack Has, without a doubt, nailed the genre of film he selected for this year's Epic Movie Poster Contest. And for this effort, he was awarded Best Poster - First place by a panel of 11 diverse judges.
Featured by princepal
Suggested by Slippery-Jack
Slippery-Jack's avatar




My submission for the Screeners 2012 Epic Movie Poster contest. Had a lot less time to work on it than I would’ve liked, but I’m happy with the overall result. I was going for the 70’s disaster movie vibe the brief clearly suggested, so went for the bombastic visual and over-explanatory tagline which seemed to be the norm. I wanted to include another common feature, the strip of small portrait images showing off the all-star cast, but ran out of time.

All imagery was hand drawn, scanned in, and painted in Photoshop.
Image size
1205x1800px 826.21 KB
© 2012 - 2024 Slippery-Jack
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CookieKipenda's avatar
Love it xD Congrats for the DD...Tsulavaquake... love this title x)